This is our selection of time-honored Bavarian sayings that are really worth knowing – whether you live in Munich or not.
Nix Gwiss woass ma ned
were the words of the legendary Finessensepperl and they are the absolute truth. Well, almost. Because we know one thing for sure: Bavarian is a rich, beautiful language that is worth learning – even if you live in Rostock. You need proof? Here is our selection of 8 Bavarian sayings worth knowing. Once you’ve learned them, you won’t forget them.
Griate di God!
More often mispronounced than correct. And that is precisely why we are including this well-known greeting in this list: to emphasize the “di” with all possible emphasis. Properly speaking, this sentence means something like: “God bless you.” However, said incorrectly – as is almost always the case in the northern language area – it looks as if you are wishing death to the person you are supposed to greet. So please, stop with the “Grüß Gott”.
Liaba an Bauch vom saufa, ois an Buckl vom arbatn.
The moment you learn that beer is legally a staple food in Bavaria, you can imagine where the journey will take you. This saying, which is heard so often at the Wiesn, sums up exactly what this wonderful culture is all about. And we couldn’t agree more. It’s really nice to work, but drinking is much nicer.
Oans, zwoa, g’suffa!
As befits a country with such a love of beer, there are almost as many toasts in Bavaria as there are breweries. Of all of them, this one is our favorite. Why? Because it is easy to learn, has a lot of rhythm and gets to the point. It also has a certain competitive flair that makes it much more exciting to empty a pint in a single gulp.
You’ll never lie down!
We have already said above that there are many ways to make a toast in this language. Well, there are even more ways to express surprise. But there is none as vivid as this one. In fact, it’s so funny to imagine someone reacting exactly as described in this sentence that we’re almost ready to surprise strangers on the street.
Wea ko, dea ko.
Just four words make up one of the most legendary sayings in this language. The story goes that Franz Xaver Krenkl overtook Crown Prince Ludwig’s carriage with his carriage – which was absolutely forbidden. When asked if he didn’t know who he had just left sitting in the mud, the coachman replied with this simple sentence – and went down in history as a badass. We can’t think of a better way to justify ourselves to critics.
You can’t be that young!
Bavaria may not be the home of the great philosophers, but that’s only because all Bavarians are philosophers themselves to some extent. The Greeks used to say that “no one steps into the same river twice“, the Romans spoke of “carpe diem“, but it was the Bavarians who put it in the most beautiful way: “Let’s enjoy our time together, because we’ll never be this young again.” Deep philosophy and pure poetry.
The week is already off to a good start!
Maybe you’ve already noticed, but if not, let’s get one thing straight: Bavarians have a great sense of humor, and this historical quote is just further proof of that. A little context: Legend has it that these were the words uttered by the robber Mathias Kneißl – the Robin Hood of Upper Bavaria – when he learned that he was to die on the guillotine. On a Monday. That makes the start of the week so much easier for us in comparison…
Yes mei!
Do you have difficulties learning the Bavarian language? How about a little help? We present you with a simple saying that will be useful in many situations to avoid the inconvenience of not being able to make yourself understood!
- Yes mei = I don’t care.
- Yes mei = I can’t believe it.
- Yes mei = I understand you completely.
- Yes mei = I share that feeling.
You just have to find the right tone and… and you’ll be seen as a real Bavarian! So, have fun using these 8 Bavarian sayings.